Fethullah Gülen’s philosophy

Establishment of the Educator–Parent–Sponsor Relationship in Gülen’s Educational Philosophy

Establishment of the Educator–Parent–Sponsor Relationship in Gülen’s Educational Philosophy

One of the crowning achievements of Gülen in his activism was the establishment of the tripartite educator–parent–sponsor relationship. As his approach entailed serving the whole community, Gülen persuaded parents who were paying tuition and the business owners supporting the schools that the educational opportunities offered to the financially-able families needed to be extended to the economically disadvantaged.…

The Architects of Our Future

The Architects of Our Future

These architects of our future do not know fame or glory, nor do they wish for position or status. They are content with the light of infinity within them. In their soul, the universe is illuminated, but they do not appropriate this light for their own benefit. They are dedicated to service, saying: "Our task is to pave walkways; let others walk comfortably. Our duty is to struggle; let the trophy go to others." I wonder whether words can ever articulate the mystery of their essence.…

The People We Are Longing For (by Fethullah Gulen)

The People We Are Longing For (by Fethullah Gulen)

For many years, our nation has longed for liberators who will treat our wounds and cure us of our afflictions. Especially today, when the sky is dark and our paths multiply in confusion, we cling to this hope as if it were the water of life. Even when we begin to doubt that they will ever come, we never stop asking about them and singing ballads for their arrival.…

Consultation from Gülen’s perspective: The relationship between the ruler and the ruled

Consultation from Gülen’s perspective: The relationship between the ruler and the ruled

I am in favor of solving all issues according to the collective conscience. I am one of those who hold that three minds are better than one and thus prefer the majority sentiments of my friends to my own sentiments. Therefore, let’s make the mechanism of consultation operational. Let's join our efforts together to meet and resolve the grave problems of the future and never act individually.…

Gülen’s Synthesis of Tradition and Modernity, and Religion and Science

Gülen’s Synthesis of Tradition and Modernity, and Religion and Science

Perhaps the most crucial synthesis Gülen was able to achieve in theory and in practice was his proposal for a harmony of science and religion, reason and faith. The view of science and religion as categorically contradictory or antagonistic to each other, to him, is a shallow one: those who perceive religion and science in this way are unaware of the spirit of both religion and reason…

Political Activism for Peaceful Coexistence in Rumi and Gulen

Political Activism for Peaceful Coexistence in Rumi and Gulen

Gulen echoes Rumi also in telling us not to ignore the laws of the universe, not to sit around aimlessly, but rather to exert all our energies to change this world into a world of peaceful coexistence and justice. Gulen’s ideal man, man of action, does his best until this world is turned into paradise; and also struggle for a better world, to be stopped by nothing except death itself.…

The faithful and trustworthy person in Gulen’s philosophy

The faithful and trustworthy person in Gulen’s philosophy

A true Muslim is a person whom other Muslims are secure from (possible harms to come through) his tongue and hand. The noun “Muslim” is an active participle, functioning as the subject, from the same verb, as it means “one who surrenders to God.” It also bears the meaning, “one who lets others be safe and sound, feel secure, and one who establishes peace and mutual freedom from harm.” …

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