
The Gulen Movement: A Shared Bridge between the U.S. and Islam

Peter J. Mehl “Life is a shared bridge of “passing over” and “coming back.” It is a passing over to other cultures and faiths, not to disown one’s own heritage, but to come back to incorporate new wisdoms and insight into one’s own worldview. The Gulen Movement is one such bridge.” What the religious scholar […]

The faithful and trustworthy person in Gulen’s philosophy

A true Muslim is a person whom other Muslims are secure from (possible harms to come through) his tongue and hand. The noun “Muslim” is an active participle, functioning as the subject, from the same verb, as it means “one who surrenders to God.” It also bears the meaning, “one who lets others be safe and sound, feel secure, and one who establishes peace and mutual freedom from harm.”

Rumi and Gülen’s Main Message and Acceptance of the Other

Although Rumi lived about 800 years before Gülen, they both lived in cosmopolitan environments and thus both made intercultural dialogue their main tool of social innovation and conflict resolution for social inclusion, coherence and peaceful coexistence. They inspired the lives and practices of their students, sympathizers, followers, scholars, and the larger community to contribute to solutions that better the world.

Why are Fethullah Gülen’s teachings attractive to followers?

The Gülen Movement arose among pious men and women who wanted a modern interpretation of religion. In the dynamics of the transformation of the movement, the social milieu also played an important role. The movement became a spiritual refuge for those who searched for an interpretation where Islam was in harmony with modernity. The followers of the Gülen Movement do not describe themselves as a political movement.

Diversity in our society

Diversity is a natural dimension of our society and geography. It would be a great mistake to claim that Anatolia is racially pure Turkish. Accepting and pronouncing this truth would be an important step toward a final solution showing that in the future diversity is not going to constitute a problem for us.

Gülen movement’s engagement with political processes

The Gülen movement offers a new sociopolitical language to expand and deepen public discussion, and mobilize traditional social sectors that had hitherto been strictly marginalized. Its rival vision of society did threaten the official authoritarian Kemalist dogma. The movement posed an alternative mode of modernity; one that does not exclude religious norms and lifestyle.

Does Gülen movement ever consider forming a political party?

The claim “the Gülen Movement (Hizmet) is working to establish a political party” has been voiced by different individuals and circles time and again. The Movement is determined to spend all its potential and energy to boost peace for mankind both in Turkey and in many countries around the globe.

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